Women Automotive Summit in Detroit
Where exactly are the opportunities, and how do you make your own career plan? with George Ayres

Where exactly are the opportunities, and how do you make your own career plan?

June 4rd, 2024 | Detroit

So much inspiration at the Women Automotive Summit Detroit!
George Ayres led the last panel of the summit discussing: “Where exactly are the opportunities, and how do you make your own career plan? “ the esteemed panelists were Ashwini Balasubramanian, General Manager – Advanced Engineering & Programs, Harley-Davidson Motor Company & Automotive; Alisha Bellezza SVP, Global Automotive Coatings, PPG; and Anna Markett SVP, Supply Chain, Stellantis.

The key takeaways included the importance of creating opportunities by raising your hand, owning your destiny, and carving your path. Breaking through barriers by seizing opportunities and making your voice heard. Recognizing areas where opportunities lie, having core competencies and finding your unique set of transferable skills. And to remember no one is 100% qualified for every role, so it is important to take a chance on opportunities as they arise.

A broad base of experience provides the agility and problem-solving skills necessary for navigating challenges. Maintaining honest relationships and a supportive network brings stability and opportunities. Identifying your non-negotiables and wellness boundaries, and voicing them, can lead to surprising support.

Life work integration! The best line said at the panel beccons us to not reach for balance but rather, to reach for flexibility, acceptance, and more importantly, acknowledgement of our humanity in our worklives.
Embracing generosity and resilience is important, as is recognizing the significance of family.

And, as Anna Markett suggested, can we talk about hot yoga?

What a fantastic way to end the discussion!

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