Mobility means a wide variety of things and continues to expand, as automakers, suppliers, and many new market entrants change the landscape for consumers, buyers, shippers, and riders.  We can help you focus on developing your solutions to capture the automotive mobility market in these areas:

connected car automobility icon

For Consumers, Drivers, Riders

  • Digital Transformation of the Automotive Customer Experience
  • Cloud-to-Car Connected Features and Services
  • Remote and Smartphone Vehicle Applications
  • Ride Sharing and Ride Hailing Programs
  • Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Business Models
  • Usage Based Insurance (UBI) Technologies
  • Pay-as-you-Drive (PAYD) and Pay-how-you-Drive ( PHYD)

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For Commercial Transportation

  • Connected Vehicle (Telematics)  Service Providers 
  • Connected Vehicle Ecosystem
  • Connected Commercial Transportation and Mobility Technology
  • Uptime Models
  • Subscription and pay-per-mile business models